When it comes to abortion, both sides have cherry picked Bible verses that they believe validates their point of view. I don’t believe all who claim to be pro-life are truly pro-life, but rather pro-birth. In my opinion pro-life is to believe in life from the womb to the tomb. In that same grain, I don’t believe those who claim that they are pro-choice, are abortion supporters.
Let me stipulate that I am on the side of pro-choice because, like most on the pro-choice side, I believe that God gave all of us the gift of free will. Keeping that in mind, here is my view on a few of the typical scriptures invoked.
When God created Adam, He created him from Mother Earth’s womb. And while it was a beautifully formed piece of clay, it was still just clay. According to Genesis 2:7, it wasn’t until God breathed in that clay’s nostrils that it became a living soul. And, was subsequently named Adam. So, does life begin at the implanting of the seed, even though there is no breath or heartbeat? Does it not begin until the baby is born and takes its first breath? Or, not until it is fully formed in the womb?
The Christian right believes Jeremiah 1:5 gives the answer, because God declared that He knew Jeremiah before he was formed in his mother’s womb. It goes on to say that He justified Jeremiah and set him apart to be a prophet. Seeing that He didn’t say that to any other prophet, I would ask did He not know them? Did He not know the babies that had miscarried in their mother’s wombs also? What about those fetuses that were not viable, for a myriad of reasons? Was this declaration specifically for the boy prophet, Jeremiah? You decide.
The Christian left quote Exodus 21:22-25. This is where God decrees that if a man strikes a pregnant woman and causes her to lose her baby, he is not subject to murder charges. His only punishment is ordained to be by the husband’s hands. They believe this means because the baby has not yet breathed on his own outside of the womb it is not a living person. The US government surely believes that concept when it comes to claiming dependents on our taxes. Don’t they?