Ida Jones provides an update about her National Votes for Women's Trail Markers project and Baba-C on his Storytelling Festival in Morocco project.
Thu, Dec 23, 8p
COVID-19 Self Test
Recorded and Upcoming End-of-Life Planning Webinars
Referral Service: The National Partnership for Hospice Innovation
For in-home elderly medical care (versus a more risky emergency room visit)
A Strange Loop
Woolly Mammoth Theater
641 D ST. NW
Washington, DC
Mon, Nov 22-Sun, Jan 9
Watercolor Art Exhibition of International Young Artists
Sifu Tang Art and Culture Center
Jiangnan Dadao Zhongdonjie 19
Guangzhou, China
featuring 29 artists including one African,
Ghanaian Jonathan Kwegyir Aggrey
Sat, Dec 18, 2021-Mon, Jan 17, 2022
James Van Der Zee’s Photographs: A Portrait of Harlem
National Gallery Of Art
6th and Constitution Ave NW
Washington D.C.
now through May 30, 2022
Arts and Social Justice Fellowship
Strathmore and Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company
Metro Washington, DC
closes Sun, Jan 2, 2022
Award Ceremonies
2021 Children's Africana Book Awards (CABA) Ceremony
Black History
Searching for Dr. William Lane Watkins’ descendants and former Mt. Nebo Colored School Students for 2022 commemorations at the Boston University School of Medicine and Greater Mt. Nebo African Methodist Episcopal Church in Bowie, Maryland. Contact Janis Hagey.
35th Annual Winter Festival of Lights
Watkins Regional Park
Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Fri, Nov 26-Sun, Jan 2,5p-9:30p, $
Dry bar comedy, comedian J. Bliss
Current Events
How a Guaranteed Income Pilot Program is Helping Some in Gary, Indiana
PBS NewsHour
Test Your Knowledge: U.S. State Shapes
(This quiz will not work in Internet Explorer)
Walk4Health-The Gambia
Every Sat, 7:30a
Independence Stadium
Bakau, Kanifing Municipality, The Gambia
In Memoriam
Edgar Brookins
Beverly Johnson
bell hooks
Orita's Cross Freedom School
Pleasant Hope Baptist Church
430 East Belvedere Avenue
Baltimore, MD
Thu, Dec 30, 5p–8p
Finding Kendrick Johnson
produced and narrated by Jenifer Lewis
(On January 11, 2013, the body of 17-year-old Kendrick Johnson was found upside-down and rolled up in a school gym mat. Clinical Pathologist Dr. Williams R. Anderson deemed that there was physical evidence in Johnson's lungs that showed that he did not asphyxiate and his death was likely caused by non-accidental blunt force trauma to the head and neck, and let's not forget to add that all his internal organs were removed and replaced with newspaper)
Christmas Child