port of harlem magazine
mike jones state farm
Feb 20 – Mar 05, 2025
boycott Target

The Target Lenten Fast Starts Wednesday, March 5

Pastor Jamal Bryant of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Georgia asks shoppers to fast from spending money at Target for the 40 days of Lent. The Target fast is from Wednesday, March 5 through Thursday, April 17.
guyana venezuela

Guyana–Venezuela Dispute Intensifies Over Oil–Rich Land

A lot of people are probably not aware that there are disputes going on all over the globe about territorial rights. The most public battles are between the Ukraine and Russia and Israel and Palestine over the Gaza Strip. But, did you know that right here down below us, in South America, there is an issue brewing between the Caribbean nations of Guyana and Venezuela?
amar group
karen jenkins

Dr. Redmond's Legacy Remembered in Suriname and POH was There

Port of Harlem artist Karen Jenkins went to Suriname, a small multi–cultural country in South America, to celebrate the life of Dokter Sophie Redmond. "I did not know Suriname existed before I started painting Sophie Redmond," said Jenkins before leaving her South Carolina home and representing Port of Harlem at the The Sophie Redmond event.
david drake jar

Fighting for Freedom: Black Craftspeople and the Pursuit of Independence

A new exhibition, "Fighting for Freedom: Black Craftspeople and the Pursuit of Independence" co–curated by the Black Craftspeople Digital Archive, is at The Daughters of the American Revolution Museum from March 29 to December 31, 2025.
ivan brown realty
tobasik 2025

Tobaksi2025 Itinerary

In the 16 times I have been to the Smiling Coast of Africa, I have been there for Tobaski only once, Tobaski 2019. I had the best time ever. I plan to return for Tobaski 2025 and you are welcome to join me. Here is the itinerary:
girl reading books

Getting Lost In A Book May Be Just What The Doctor Ordered

Have you ever been so engrossed in a book that you no longer notice the passing of time? If so, you were then engaging in mindful reading, which has proven beneficial. According to the American Psychological Association, mindfulness has many research-backed benefits, including:


Aside from events you can attend, we list activities you can participate online. We encourage you to watch Karen Jenkin's interview on Suriname TV, "Dr Sophie Redmond's legacy must never be forgotten," and Michael Tuck's "The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Cycle of Resistance along the Gambia River," both under History. And, if you need a refresher on why many Blacks supported the crime bill, click "A Cool Spot In Hell" – The War Between Roc Emerson & Andre Thompson," also under History. My favorite is: "Black Men Speaks to Arabs and Others," under Politics.
usa and sa presidents

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