A lot of people are probably not aware that there are disputes going on all over the globe about territorial rights. The most public battles are between the Ukraine and Russia and Israel and Palestine over the Gaza Strip.
But, did you know that right here down below us, in South America, there is an issue brewing between the Caribbean nation of Guyana and Venezuela? Their fight has been brewing since 1897. That is how long the Guyanese people have been living under the threat of an invasion from Venezuelan leaders.
Historical data shows that the debate between Guyana and Venezuela started back in 1897 when Venezuela claimed more than half of what was then British Guyana during the Latin American Wars.
According to history.gov, “in 1814, Great Britain had acquired British Guiana (now Guyana) by treaty with the Netherlands. Because the treaty did not define a western boundary, the British commissioned Robert Schomburgk, a surveyor and naturalist, to delineate that boundary. His 1835 survey resulted in what came to be known as the Schomburgk Line, a boundary that effectively claimed an additional 30,000 square miles for Guiana.”