port of harlem magazine
Niani Gallery in Alexandria, VA
The Shujaa Stories - National Museum of Kenya Nairobi
May 16 – May 29, 2024

sultan yusuf

The Shujaa Stories team includes Tatu Creatives and historians teaching Kenyan history, which the National Museum of Kenya Nairobi showcases. Shujaa Stories breathe life into the legends of Kenyan heroes through ballet and is entertaining and enlightening.

The production celebrates the extraordinary lives of heroes such as Anyango Nyalolwe. What we now know as Lake Victoria was once named Namlolwe after the legendary Luo heroine. In Luo folklore, she is revered for calming waters and preventing calamities.

Mekatilili Wa Menza was an early resistor to British colonial rule who also witnessed oppression from Arab slave traders who kidnapped her brother.

The story of Sultan Yusuf, an Arab Kenyan, is a testament to his unwavering resilience. Despite the Portuguese's relentless efforts to assimilate him, they made him the Sultan of Mombasa, falling far behind their intentions.

There is a page with some animations in addition to stories. Plans are in the works to honor 50 more heroes in the coming years.

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