port of harlem magazine
paranormal sagas
SAMMAEL The Archangel of Death
A Spiritual Paranormal Romance

May 30 – Jun 12, 2024
eva j brock

After losing The Great War in Heaven, Lucifer and a third of the Angels were cast down to earth. Refusing to accept defeat, Lucifer devised a plan to use God’s so loved as pawns in their never-ending battle. He and his followers knew that Adam and Woman were instructed by I AM not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So, he persuaded them that I AM knew that they would be like Him if they did eat. Slaked by the prospect, first Woman and then Adam took the bait! Nevertheless, even though both disobediently ate of it, all of creation didn’t fall until Adam took the first bite.

Although The Great I AM was well aware of what was about to happen, before it happened, He did not interfere. That is because of the spirit of Free Will that He, Himself, imbued them with. However, as soon as Adam ate, He set punishments in place that would affect all of His creation. One of the punishments decreed was that neither Adam nor Woman would be allowed to ever reside in The Garden of Eden again. Another was that neither would be able to eat freely. Adam, and all future men, would have to labor by the sweat of their brows to produce their sustenance. Likewise, Woman, and every female afterward, was cursed to labor with the excruciating pain of childbirth. The worst punishment was, because of Adam’s disobedience they, all future mankind, and everything that breathed, was now cursed to die, and return to their original form. Back to the ground from where they came!

After The Great I AM scathing degree, He called a meeting in Heaven around the conference table. It was during that meeting, in the presence of all the Angels, that He assigned the task of being The Archangel of Death to The Archangel SAMMAEL. His directive was to perform his duty dispassionately without consideration of race, creed, status, age, or behavior. While his Angel brothers would be permitted to interact with humanity, he was forbidden to touch or be seen by them. That is until their appointed hour. At which time, the sight of him immediately followed by his touch would separate their spirit and soul from their clay vessel. With the exception of an elect group of people, he is hated, feared, and blamed by all. They’ve even made movies that depict him to be some dark vengeful figure. One whose main purpose is to destroy them, and take their loved ones. Ministers preach to their congregations that death is not their friend, but rather an agent of Lucifer’s. It isn’t until their own earthly temples are racked with pain, and decaying, that they embrace the inevitability of death. Then they beg The Great I AM to grant them the sweet release that only the Archangel they despise can afford. Once they are snatched from the clay they all realize that they’d been lied to and deceived. The majority of them proclaim that they should have never feared him, because his touch was gentle and loving.

After reaping millions of souls during the Covid plague, Sammael is tired, weary, and lonely. He escapes to the ruins of Machu Picchu, in Peru, to evaluate his decision to accept his assignment. While lamenting and questioning his choice, two of his closest brothers appear to remind him that the assignment was not his to reject. They take him on a trip down memory lane to when, where, and why he was chosen to be I AM’s Emissary of Death. Will their journey ease Sammael’s spirit and give him the strength to carry on? What else will be revealed to The Archangel of Death, SAMMAEL…

If this excerpt has aroused your interest, please read this author’s imagination of how it all got started. Not with just one, but two falls, in “The Archangel of Death, SAMMAEL.” Where fact and fiction collide.

A Man Is Not The Only Plan On God's Agenda

“The Archangel of Death - SAMMAEL : A Sanction Mate Series - Book #8" is available on Amazon.
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