port of harlem magazine
paranormal sagas
Dec14 – Dec 27, 2023
john c robinson

John C. Robinson, the Father of the Tuskegee Airmen and the Father of Ethiopian Airlines

In April 1935, when Italy attacked Ethiopia, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie (The Lion of Judah) wired an official invitation to John C. Robinson offering him an officer's commission in the fledging Ethiopian Air Force.
wellstar atlanta

Cast Down Your Bucket Where You Are: Renovating IN Gary, IN

Downtown Gary has been an oddity, neither the government-built Genesis Convention Center nor the US Steel Yard has been able to attract significant private investments. Gary's Union Station, like D,C,'s Studio Theater, involves private and cultural investors and may just prove to be downtown Gary’s winning show.
coloring book

More Holiday Gift Idea with a POH Jingle

Discover and gift Kintone's natural and organic hair care products. And, as a Port of Harlem reader, unlock 5% off the shampoo and/or conditioner price by using promo code 05KTN15OFF through this exclusive link. You will also find other gift surprises such as adult coloring books (pictured).
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feet with house shoes on

Is The Urgent Need to Pee a Normal Part Of Aging?

Men over 50 years–old: Do you think twice about hydrating before bedtime because that often leads to multiple bathroom breaks throughout the night? Or have you noticed a weaker urine stream? Or one that dribbles, starts and stops?
paul sevier

Gambian Friend Recalls Impact of Peace Corp Worker 40 Years Later

Ebrima Cham reconnected with the now happily retired Paul Sevier over Facebook. After repeated attempts to connect with him, it was when he used the phrase you have “Ten thousand devils in your head,” did the American respond. Sevier tells me he never understood what Cham meant when using that phrase. When asked 40 years later, Cham recalls that Sevier . . .
pets in wills

How To Include Your Pet in Your Estate Plan

Animals can’t be named as beneficiaries of retirement accounts or any other assets, but . . .
Khismet Wearable Art, Millee Spears
brufut music festival


On our newest POH Podcast, we talk with former D.C. resident Vincent Spaulding about his going home to North Carolina and creating a community center in a forgotten part of America. CR Gibbs conducts “Black Men and Women of the Old West” on ZOOM Tue, Dec 16, 7p. Public Obscenities runs at Woolly Mammoth in DC till Dec 23. The Caribbean children’s program Goombay is now more available in North America.
norman lear

Readers' Trends

We are pleased that our Publisher’s Point (Editorial) “Ukraine, Now Palestine, Are American Blacks Neglecting Their Own?” was number one amongst subscribers and our Facebook followers. In addition, the Guardian-Nigeria and the Chicago/Gary Crusader newspapers shared it with their readers. Have you read it? Also, R.I.P. Norman Lear.
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