Superior performance. Superb storytelling. Superlative transfer of knowledge. “This Is Who I Am,” is a first-rate, live, broadcast theatrical performance specifically made for Zoom viewing. There is only one warning I must give: The 70-minute stream cannot pause and at the end of every performance, the stream is no longer accessible. After months of cultivating Zoom habits, there may be some who may need to adjust their routines to fully enjoy this performance.
The story is about an estranged father and son separated by continents who reunite over Zoom. From their respective kitchens in Ramallah, Palestine and New York City, they recreate a cherished family recipe and struggle to bridge the gap between them, one ingredient at a time. Through the cutting and mixing and with humor and humanity, Amir Nizar Zuabi’s play demolishes cultural and geographical boundaries.
Through Zuabi’s finely crafted word’s, knowledge of Palestine and even knowledge on how to cut onions creeped into my conciseness. Similar to the onion-cutting lesson, the affect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on their family echoed in my mind as I related their experience to the African-American experience.
Humorously, the Palestine-born playwright, who currently lives in Palestine/Israel, reinforced that the typical generational divide is universal as the father calls his son’s profession of being a curator, a “sophisticated shelf stacker.”