Created by Jim and Jane Henson in 1955, "The Muppets" have seen several iterations throughout the last sixty-plus years. Short-form episodes early on led to late-night show appearances and spots on "Sesame Street"; from 1976-1981, "The Muppet Show" launched the furry creatures into homes during prime time, netting twenty-one Emmy nominations, and four wins. Beginning with "The Muppet Movie" in 1979, the creatures found themselves in eight feature-length films, with "Muppets Most Wanted" (2014) as the most recent.
Now, on Disney+, The Muppets are back to shorter, improvisational hijinks with a loose narrative revolving around a very harried Scooter trying hard to get the Muppets’ different episodes uploaded while mayhem crashes down around him. Director Kirk Thatcher experienced his film directorial debut in 2002 with "It’s a Very Muppet Christmas" (he’s also had a hand in "Muppet Treasure Island, A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa," and "The Muppets’ Wizard of Oz"), but he’d transferred his special effects and puppetry expertise from George Lucas’ special effects company to direct the televised "Muppets Tonight" show.