Middle Passage Project | Troops on White Nationalism | George Springer & NAACP
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November 9 – November 22, 2016
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Praising the Past
Middle Passage Project Finds More Arrival Sites
Site marking where enslaved Africans arrived in Yorktown, Virginia.
Site marking where enslaved Africans arrived in Galveston, Texas.
The Middle Passage Ceremonies and Port Markers Project (MPCPMP) has added two Middle Passage arrival sites to its list of locations:
Africatown near Mobile, AL, and Historic London Town, Edgewater, MD. The Project encourages the holding of a ceremony and the placement of a marker at each of the sites, which are points where enslaved Africans arrived in the United States. Local sources brought the two new locations to the Project's attention.
To date, the MPCPMP has participated in promoting this history at 24 sites in the United States. “With two additional documented sites, bringing the total to 50, we are practically half way to reaching our goal,” says the Project’s founder and executive director Ann Chinn.
November 2008 - January 2009 issue of Port Of Harlem magazine featured the first public article on the non-profit’s plans to have had an ancestral remembrance ceremony or a market placed at about 175 ports in 50 nations.
The Project has since slightly changed its mission. “We are now concentrating on US arrival sites because the project has been so time-consuming and we are resource limited,” continued Chinn, who is also a former Port Of Harlem magazine editor.
The Project’s immediate goal is to complete work at each site in the United States by 2020 - - 400 years after the arrival of the first indentured Africans’ under British rule, to what would become the Untied States, in 1619 at Point Comfort, Hampton, Virginia. The first documented arrival of captive Africans, however, occurred in 1526 in the Sapelo Bay, GA, region with Spanish colonists from Hispaniola.
The Project’s first ceremony was in Baltimore in 2012
and was captured on video by Port Of Harlem magazine. “Unfortunately, the city still hasn't installed a marker, but we are working on it,” said Chinn from her office in Jacksonville, FL.
“With two additional documented sites, bringing the total to 50, we are practically half way to reaching our goal,” says the Project’s founder and executive director Ann Chinn.
The Project has also not abandoned its original objective. “Other activists are doing their individual nations in the Americas. We support them and post their information on our website’s calendar,” added Chinn. One such event, according to their calendar, took place August 26 and 27 in Ereguayquin, El Salvador.
Chinn says in addition to our personal responses to removing vestiges honoring the Confederacy and its legacy, “please consider this Project of commemorating the lives of enslaved Africans in the U.S.”
Click here to donate.
You can also send donations to:
Middle Passage Ceremonies and Port Markers Project, Inc.
P.O. Box 3071
Jacksonville, FL 32206

Troops Say White Nationalism is Greater Threat to Nation Than ISIS Conflicts
Many service members also said that White supremacists are a problem within the ranks.
While the Trump administration’s policies and comments might signal otherwise, a new poll of service members says that White nationalists pose more of a threat to the nation than ISIS.
The Military Times surveyed 1,131 active duty troops between September 7 and 25. The sample was 86 percent male, with a mean age of 30. Seventy-six percent identified as White, versus 9 percent Black, 8 percent Latinx and 2 percent Asian. The poll was released October 24.
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MVP George Springer lll Ties to the NAACP
MVP George Springer III, center, with his sisters and parents.
George Springer III, World Series Champion, Most Valuable Player is the grandson of celebrated NAACP branch leader, George Springer Sr. Springer III recently tied the World Series record for home runs while securing the league victory for the Houston Astros.
A NAACP press release says the MVP “comes from a family who are as tenacious in sports as they are in the civil rights arena.” His mother, Laura, was a gymnast, and now coaches field hockey and softball, and his father, George Springer Jr., was a former youth star in the Little League World Series turned civil rights lawyer, who fought for fair and equal housing.
His late grandfather, George Springer Sr., was a Panamanian immigrant who simultaneously served as president for the Walicki Little League and the NAACP New Britain Branch for two terms in the 1980s, 1994 and 1996 - - a position succeeded by his son, George Springer Jr. in 1997.
George Sr. and his wife, Gerri Brown-Springer, were known for their activism in the African American civil rights community, and Mrs. Brown-Springer was elected to NAACP New Britain’s Executive Board in 2016. Added the NAACP, we are “proud of the Springer families many victories on and off the field, and wishes them much success in the future.”
The 28-year-old Houston Astro has also worked to overcome a stutter throughout his life. He currently does considerable charity work as a spokesman for the SAY Foundation in Houston, which provides treatment and confidence for children with speech development difficulties. He has two sisters, Lena and Nicole.
When asked about his ethnicity,
Springer III told Sports Illustrated, “Man, I can check off a lot of boxes. I have a diverse background, but I put Hispanic. I guess I’m Latin American—I don’t really know what other word for it.”

Breathe in the Roots and Black Middle Class Screenings Garner Praise
Ivan Brown of Ivan Brown Realty said one of the biggest barriers to Black home ownership is a low credit score, as the group briefly discussed how the massive racial gap in student loan defaults is affecting the credit scores of many Black millenials.
Port Of Harlem’s second and last events in the A Port Of Harlem Fall at the Alexandria Black History Museum series brought nearly 100 participants to the film and discussions. The three events attracted nearly 150 participants.
“Breathe in the Roots,” the second screening was both scenic and educational. Following the film, Indrias G. Kassaye, the film’s writer, photographer, and producer, talked about some of the behind the scene decisions he made including the horse that Ty Christen Joseph, a young African-American English teacher, selected as he rode from Addis Ababa to Lalibela.
After the screening of “Against All Odds: The Fight for a Black Middle Class,” Ivan Brown of
Ivan Brown Realty, explained that the process of buying a home has changed since he started in the business in 1984. “Now people come to real estate agents pre-qualified for a loan,” which means that the home buyer doesn’t always get the counseling past buyers got from a real estate agent. He advises buyers to interview several agents before selecting one to see which is most compatible and will provide the most information and counseling to avoid obstacles.
Brown gave an example of how he would not encourage a person whose income is not expected to rise to get an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM). “You may qualify for the loan and the loan officer may give it to you, but your chances of being able to pay the higher mortgage the following year may not be that great,” he said.
The audience included people with various experiences with overcoming knowledge and structural barriers to home ownership. Brown said one of the biggest barriers for many Blacks is having a low credit score, as the group briefly discussed the impact the massive racial gap in student loan defaults is having on the credit scores of many Black millenials. (
There's a Massive Racial Gap in Student Loan Defaults, New Data Shows)
Donald Burch of Washington, DC simply called the last screening, “informative.” Connie of Woodbridge, VA, added, it was “very informative movie with a lively discussion. Thanks for the opportunity.”

50 Years After Hatcher’s Election: A Look at Detroit, Atlanta, New Orleans, and Other Places
Richard Hatcher, 84, was honored for his groundbreaking election as the first Black ever elected mayor of a large American city in 1967.
Ragen Hatcher said her father's election not only showed people they could become elected officials but gave them the confidence to run.
Black Political Convention pin, 1972, Gary, IN. Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African
American History and Culture. Gift of Reverend Shari-Ruth
On November 7, 1967, Gary, Indiana elected the nation’s first Black mayor of a large city, Richard Gordon Hatcher. Hours after Hatcher won, Carl Stokes became the first Black mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. The trailblazers were followed by Tom Bradley’s election in Los Angeles and Coleman Young's drive to lead the Motor City in 1973 and the rise of Chicago’s most beloved Harold Washington in 1983.
This year, voters in Atlanta and Detroit were gearing up for their mayoral decisions while Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Minister Louis Farrakhan, and National Urban League President & CEO Marc Morial were in Gary celebrating Hatcher’s victory 50 years earlier. Gary native and songbird Deniece Williams came home for the landmark event at West Side High School, home of the 1972 National Black Political Convention.
Fifty years after the pioneer’s landmark elections, Atlanta has decided to pit a Black and a White woman against each other to head the “city too busy to hate.” Detroit, the big city with the highest percentage of African-Americans (82.7 percent in 2010) has decided to retain its White mayor. New Orleans will also get a new mayor, but she, not he, will be African-American.
There will be a December run-off between African-American Keisha Lance Bottoms and European-American Mary Norwood in Atlanta. Bottoms got 34 percent of the vote in the November 7 runoff, and Norwod came in second with 16 percent. Atlanta has had Black mayors since 1973 when Maynard Jackson became Atlanta’s first Black mayor; therefore, the first Black mayor of any major city in the South. Term limits is ending the administration of Kasim Reed.
Detroit re-elected Mike Duggan, the city’s first White mayor in 40 years. He defeated Coleman Young II, 72 to 28 percent. Young is the son of former Detroit mayor Coleman Young.
In New Orleans, term limits will also end the administration of Mayor Mitch Landrieu, who is European-American. His successor will be of African descent and female. The November 18 runoff will feature: City councilperson LaToya Cantrell and Desiree M. Charbonnet, a former municipal court judge.
as reported in Port Of Harlem, the country of Liberia was to also hold elections November 7. According to Reuters, Liberia’s Supreme Court on Monday put the presidential run-off on hold until the electoral commission can investigate claims of irregularities and alleged fraud in last month’s first round of voting.
In contrast, Liberian immigrant, Wilmot Collins, was elected Helena, Montana mayor. Collins’ victory is a first in a state that is 90 percent White and less than 1 percent Black.
And, in New Jersey,
Sheila Oliver was elected Jersey's first Black lieutenant governor. In Virginia, though Justin Fairfax won his race for lieutenant governor, the African-American
received slightly less votes than his White running mates.
Back in Gary, one of Hatcher’s three daughters, Gary Councilperson Ragen Heather, joined Karen Freeman Wilson, Gary’s current mayor and its first female mayor, to celebrate what the people of Gary started.
Freeman Wilson, who is of African descent, told the
Chicago Crusader newspaper, “He (Hatcher) literally opened the door to Black political empowerment on the local level, state level, and federal level. He sent a message across the country and he gave rise to other Black mayors in small and big cities.” (Hatcher also headed Jesse Jackson's two presidential bids.)
And, while Danica Roem won a seat in the Virginia House, becoming the first transgender woman to win election to a state legislature, Minneapolis elected African-American Andrea Jenkins. Jenkins will become the first openly transgender African-American woman elected to the city council of a major U.S. city - - 50 years after Hatcher led the breaking of a barrier for African-Americans in municipal big city politics.
From Our Archives: Next: TransPeople Rights?
From Our Archives: Whatever Happened to the Revolution? Looking Back With Richard Hatcher

Africana Children‘s Book Awards – Celebrated 25 Years
A Liberian young woman was one of the inspirations that started Africa Access, which sponsors the Africana Children's Book Awards, says the group’s founder Brenda Randolph. The inspiration came when Randolph simply read an accurate book about Africa to the Liberian girl and her classmates.
Africa Access vets books to make sure they don’t promote “enduring stereotypes,” said Dr. Mbye Cham, a Gambian native and Director of the Center of Africana Studies at Howard University. A Liberian young woman was one of the inspirations that started the group says the group’s founder and director Brenda Randolph.
The inspiration came when Randolph very simply read an accurate book about Africa to the Liberian girl and her classmates, and the young lady was glad that the book dispelled misinformation about the homeland. We seek to honor “good books about Africa,” added Robinson, the mother of two, including former Port Of Harlem contributor Anike Robinson.
Africa Access celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Africana Children’s Book Awards (CABA) in Washington, DC on November 4. In addition to the award winners, the audience included the new ambassador from Ghana to the United States, Dr. Barfuor Adjei-Barwuah’s and his wife, Paul Coats of Black Classic Press, and supporters from Canada, the United Kingdom, Ghana, and South Africa.
Joining the CABA winners circle were, (followed by the name of the country in which the book’s story is based and the name of the book): Emily Williamson (Ghana – “Gizo - Gizo. A Tale from the Zongo Lagoon”), Evan Turk (Morocco -“The Storyteller”), Equal Education (South Africa - “Amagama Enkululeko! Words for Freedom: Writing Life Under Apartheid”), Adwoa Badoe (Ghana – “Aluta”), Tara Sullivan (Cote D’Ivoire – “The Bitter Side of Sweet”), Manu Herbstein (Ghana – “The Boy who Spat in Sargrenti’s Eye”), and Janice Warman (South Africa – “The World Beneath”).
The awards are for K-12 books and to writers and illustrators of all ethnicities. We are most concerned how people “feel and think about Africa,” says Randolph. She says next year’s event will include a new award category: New Adult. The category will be for books aimed at adults and mature teens.
Most books are available in the United States, but also from African Book Collective. Oxford, United Kingdom is where the collective is based. Collective board member and owner of Sub-Saharan Publishers, Akoss Ofori-Mensah, spoke to Port Of Harlem at a special meeting before the Awards ceremony.
She said that the collective is an African success story. Initially the Collective was funded by a non-government organization. However, instead of failing as so many organizations do when western funding stops, the organization reorganized and survives today.
Like American publishers, Ofori-Mensah says African publishers have to deal in a world were production and distribution crosses boarders. In addition of getting distribution assistance from the UK-based collective, her books are published in Hungary. The international business person regularly has a booth at the
Frankfort (Germany) Book Fair and the
Bologna (Italy) Children's Book Fair.
At the meeting, previous CABA award winner and Nigerian Ifeoma Onyefulu also spoke of an issue that crosses borders: self-rejection. She spoke of once taking her book “A is for Africa,” to a well-to-do school in Nigeria where she was chided for having photographs of traditional African life representing each alphabet instead of images reflecting Africanized western life.
Note: Port Of Harlem magazine is a proud supporter of Africa Access and its programs including the Africana Children's Book Awards and Read Africa Week, held the first week of February.

Actress Jennifer Lewis,
The Mother of Black Hollywood, will be in New Rochelle, NY.
Undaunted Courage: African Americans & World War I
CR Gibbs (updated schedule)
Alexandria Black History Museum
902 Wythe Street
Sat, Nov 11, 11a, free
Dark Side of Monk featuring
The Alon Nechushtan Ensemble
Anacostia Community Museum
1901 Fort Place, SE
Sat, Nov 11, 2p, free
Screening: Hope by Boris Lojkine
Embassy of France in the United States
4101 Reservoir Road, NW
Tue, Nov 14, 7p-9:30p, free reservations
Talk and Discussion: I am Not Your Negro
Smithsonian Anacostia Museum
1901 Fort Place, SE
Thu, Nov 16, 2017, 11:30a-1:30p, free
Caribbean American Heritage Awards
JW Marriott Hotel
1331 Penn Ave, NW
Fri, Nov 17, 6:30p, $
From Slavery to Freedom Bus Tour
(includes George Washington’s Mount Vernon,
and the Gum Springs Museum)
Alexandria Black History Museum
902 Wythe Street
Sat, Nov 18, 10a-4p, $50 (lunch include)
The District's Black Doughboys of WW 1
CR Gibbs (updated schedule)
Capital View Baptist Church
5201 Ames St, NE
Mon, Nov 20, 7p
The Natural Hair Industry Convention
Renaissance Atlanta Airport Gateway Hotel
Sun, Nov 12, 9a-6p, $
Maryland Collects: Jacob Lawrence
The Reginald F. Lewis Museum
830 E Pratt St
through Jan 9, $
Newport News, VA
Africana Pop-Up Shop Fashion Edition
Doris Miller Community Center
2814 Wickham Ave
Sat, Nov 18, 2p-6p, $5
New York
Actress Jennifer Lewis
The Mother of Black Hollywood
Ionia College
New Rochelle, NY
Sun, Nov 12, 2p-4p, $40
San Diego
14th Annual San Diego Bay Wine + Food Festival
Sun, Nov 12- Sun, Nov 19, $
United States
Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Open Season
Wed, Nov 1-Fri, Dec 15
Some States, have extended deadlines
The Gambia
World Premier Screening: Love is the Answer
Hypo Link (Palma Junction)
Sat, Nov 25, 7p-9p, D250-D1,000
(date changed)
Holiday Artisan Bazaar
(Cindy Williams, Anthony Driver,
Idriys Abdullah, and
Millee Spears)
6025 North Dakota Avenue, NW
Sat, Dec 2, 1p-7p, free
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