February 16 - March 1, 2017
On The Dock This Issue:
Tubman Visitor Center to Open March 11
The Maryland Park Service and the National Park Service are opening the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center Saturday, March 11 at 9
Africa: Year in Review 2016
The Wilson Center Africa Program asked experts, scholars, and policymakers to weigh in on the most important and impactful events on the continent in 2016.
The Gin Game
"It is amazing how the issues resonate despite the decades," remarked director Tom Jones.
Tubman Visitor Center to Opens March 11
Harriet Tubman.
The Maryland Park Service and the National Park Service are opening the
Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center Saturday, March 11 at 9 a.m. - - with grand opening events also planned for Sunday, March 12 and throughout the year.
The Center is close to the lands where Harriet Tubman lived and labored. The 17-acre complex is located on Route 335 near the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Cambridge, Maryland.
On Maryland’s Eastern Shore is where Harriet Tubman’s story began. The Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway shares the remarkable stories of Tubman and other freedom seekers who risked their lives to escape slavery in the 1800s. With more than 30 sites in Dorchester and Caroline Counties - - the self-guided driving tour shows you the places where Tubman grew up, worshiped, labored, and led others to freedom.
From Our Travel department archives:
New Harriet Tubman Byway and Centennial Celebration.
Eating Hot Chili Peppers May Lead to a Longer Life
Chili peppers may be good for you.
A new study published in the Public Library of Science journal, PLoS ONE, has supported the correlation between eating hot chili peppers, a longer lifespan, and a reduced risk of death due to heart disease or stroke.
Over 16,000 adults were surveyed on their background, eating habits and current health from 1988 to 1994, and were followed up on for a period of 18 years. Total mortality rates for patients who consumed chili peppers were 21.6% compared to 33.6% for those who didn’t.
Click Here For the Complete Story
Africa: Year in Review 2016
The Wilson Center is the nation’s key non-partisan policy forum for tackling global issues through independent research and open dialogue..
2016 was an eventful year for Africa and the world, with important implications for U.S.-Africa relations. From continuing democratic consolidation and deepening trade ties in many countries to the shocking electoral defeat and standoff in the Gambia, to South Sudan’s escalating crisis, to the debates over the future of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Africa, the year was marked by progress, setbacks, and change.
The Wilson Center Africa Program asked experts, scholars, and policymakers to weigh in on the most important and impactful events on the continent in 2016. They responded with this collection of brief and insightful essays touching on issues of governance and democracy, conflict and security, trade, and the role of international partnerships across the African continent. The report, “
Wilson Center, Africa: Year in Review 2016,’ is free.
Our New Mobile Friendly HomePage – Built For You
More than 50 percent of our subscribers read Port Of Harlem on a tablet or mobile telephone.
We released our new “mobile friendly”
Homepage this week. More than 50 percent of our subscribers read Port Of Harlem on a tablet or mobile telephone, and that number is growing. We have made the page mobile friendly to make it easier for you to see the magazine’s Homepage without having to pinch or widen your tablet or cell phone screen - - and the page still fits perfectly on your laptop or desktop. Each issue that we release every other Thursday is already in a mobile friendly layout.
We also made our
Advertiser’s page mobile friendly. Port Of Harlem remains free to you, because our advertisers absorb the cost. For that reason, we appreciate your considering them when making a purchase and, most importantly, letting them know you are inquiring and buying from them because you saw their ad in Port Of Harlem. (Yes, let them know that they should continue to support his free publication.)
With the new Advertiser’s Page, you can click an advertiser’s banner to reach their web page, see their address, telephone number, and even click a blue envelope to send them an e-mail message. Joining our longest running advertiser, Ivan Brown Realty, are appraiser Celeste Davis LLC and Mike Jones – State Farm.
On the new pages, you will also see a redish Share Circle - with an arrow inside - at the bottom right, so you may quickly share the page with friends. (This feature is available when viewing the page directly on the web and not via your e-mail.) Thanks for your continued subscriptions and Facebook likes.
We encourage you to send us your comments on our new Homepage and Advertiser's page.
Click here to send publisher Wayne Young your comments.
Don’t Mourn Organize.
1. Don’t use his name; EVER (45 will do)
-Bernice King
Indivisible: A practical guide for resisting the Trump agenda - former congressional staffers reveal best practices for making Congress listen.
Bernice King Shares Wise Advice For Navigating The Trump Era
1. Don’t use his name; EVER (45 will do)
#Resist Meetups
PostCards to #45 - On March 15th, each of us will mail Donald Trump a postcard that publicly expresses our opposition to him. And we, in vast numbers, from all corners of the world, will overwhelm the man with his unpopularity and failure. We will show the media and the politicians what standing with him - - and against us - - means. And most importantly, we will bury the White House post office in pink slips, all informing #45 that he’s fired.
Hank Aaron currently holds the record for fan mail, having received 900,000 pieces in a year. We’re setting a new record: over a million pieces in a day, with not a single nice thing to say.
On March 15th, mail your messages to:
President (for now) Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
If Hillary Clinton had won
we would still be asleep.
Everything unfolds for our
highest good and greatest joy --
we'll just have to earn it.
Eraka Rouzorondu
educator, poet, producer, director, performance artist, and author
But in a struggle, you drown when you stop kicking.
Jesse Jackson
Politico, January 26, 2017
Equality California: Donald Trump’s nominee, 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Neil Gorsuch, should be of great concern to every American. In two of the most prominent cases to come before him, Gorsuch found that employers can deny employee health coverage for birth control if it violates their religious beliefs.
Across the country, we’re currently facing an onslaught of so-called religious freedom bills that give individuals or businesses permission to deny services to LGBT people in the name of religion.
The proposed laws gives people a pretext to discriminate against LGBT and any other group of people. Donald Trump has expressed support for similar policies. It’s more important than ever to ensure that justices – who support full equality and constitutional principles like the separation of church and state – are appointed to the Supreme Court.
Grab Your Wallet, Thousands of anti-Trump protestors have taken to the streets to voice their opposition to the President-Elect’s policies - - some are trying to hit the Trump family where they think it will hurt the most: their bottom line.
The #GrabYourWallet protest kicked off in October, when marketing professional Shannon Coulter began circulating a spreadsheet of companies owned by the Trumps or that are actively supporting or doing business with the Trump family. In addition to obvious targets, like the Trump chain of hotels and golf courses, the list includes dozens of stores stocking Trump-branded merchandise, primarily Ivanka Trump’s line of clothing and shoes – which Nordstrom recently pulled from its sales floor.
Families USA issued a report “
Eight Ways to Judge Republican ACA Replacement Plans,? which offers guidelines the media, stakeholders, and consumers can use to judge how Republican proposals stack up against the existing health care law.

The Gin Game
By Wayne A. Young
Artistic director Carolyn Griffin says she was determined to find a winning play just -for these two actors.- And, she did.
My intent is not to demean perennial MetroStage performers Roz White and Doug Brown when I say they are not my favorite MetroStage performers, but I say this to clarify how well they performed in "The Gin Game" - - running now at the intimate Alexandria, Virginia theater until Sunday, March 12.
Unlike many MetroStage plays in which they perform, this one is not an original. Tom Jones, the play’s director says they did not have to update the dialogue of this 41-year-old play - - but it did motivate me to update my will. “It is amazing how the issues resonate despite the decades,” remarked director Tom Jones.
Oh, the play is not morbid, just a slice of reality about two, well, senior Americans living at the Bentley Nursing home. And though the play is not a comedy, there was humor. While most of the audience stayed “in character” and sincere, some occasionally laughed, and others, including myself, found some of the reality very funny.
Over the years, famous pairs have played the only two roles in the play - - that of Fonsia Dorsey and Weller Martin - - including Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn and Cicely Tyson and James Earl Jones. The play is more generational then racial.
Set designers Carl Gudenius and Shuxing Fan created the set, which is the sun porch at the nursing home. Both have worked on set designs for the major television broadcasters. For "The Gin Game," they created one of the best, if not the best, stage set I have seen at the regional theater.
White, who teaches at the Duke Ellington School of the Arts did receive a Helen Hayes nomination in her role of MetroStage’s “Gee’s Bend.” Brown has acted in many area theaters and opposite to White in MetroStage’s “Uprising,” but artistic director Carolyn Griffin says she was determined to find a winning play just “for these two actors.” And, she did.
Tickets are $55-$60. Parking is free.

Washington, DC
I Wanna F*Cking Tear You Apart
Studio Theater
14 & P Streets, NW
now through Feb 19, $
The Hard Problem
Studio Theater
14 & P Streets, NW
now through Feb 26, $
Colors of Life: The Exposure Group Traveling Exhibition
Center for the Arts At the Candy Factor
9419 Battle Street
Manassas, VA
through Fri, Mar 3, free
The Gin Game
MetroStage Theater
1201 N Royal
Alexandria, VA
now through Mar 12, $
Field Trip To The Nat Turner Trail - A Living History
Meeting Location: Thurgood Marshall Center
1816 12th St, NW
Sat, Feb 25, 8:30a-6p, $50-$60
Darrick Johnson Portrays Brotha Malcolm X
Greater Beulah Baptist Church
6056 Central Avenue
Capital Heights
Sat, Feb 25, 5p-9p, $18-$20
Accra, Ghana
Worldview Education Fair Ghana (Worldview Education Fair 2017)
Movenpick Ambassador Hotel
Sat, Feb 18
Native Plants to the Calumet Region
with a Conservation Ecologist
Wiley’s Grill
800 Kedzie Avenue
Flossmoor, IL
Wed, Feb 22, 6:30p-7:30p, free
New York
“Brexit, Trump, What’s Next?”
Institute of Policy Studies
The New School
Room A712
66 W. 12th Street
Thu, Feb 16, 6p-7:30p
Black Joy As An Expression Of Resistance And Liberation
Panel to include Zoe Kravitz, Actress & Musician
National Black Theatre
2031 National Black Theatre Way - Harlem
Tue, Feb 21, 7p, free (Suggested Donation $10)
Amateur Night at the Apollo: Opening Night
The Apollo Theater
Wed, Feb 22, 7:30p, $39 and up
9th Annual Black History Month Celebration
The Harlem Chamber Players
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
521 West 126th Street
Sat, Feb 25, 4p, $15-$20
Kampala, Uganda
7th Annual Uganda International Education Fair
Kampala Hotel Africana
Plot 2/4 Wampewo Avenue
Fri, Feb 17, 9:30a-4p EAT, free
The Talk - Race in America
includes POH subscriber Tony Neal
Mon, Feb 20, 9a-11p
American Masters -- Maya Angelou:
And Still I Rise
Tue, Feb 21, 8p
The Obama Years: The Power Of Words
Smithsonian Channel
Premiers, Mon, Feb 27

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CR Gibbs