DNA Test Winners | Free Drawings | Gift Ideas
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November 23 – December 6, 2017
On The Dock This Issue:
Becoming Your Parent’s Parent
It was my older brother who sat me down and helped me understand that I would have to learn to view mom more as I did my child - - than as my parent.
Blacks Led 45 Resistance
Buttress by a constituency strongly disapproving the current U.S. president, Black lawmakers continue to lead in the resistance against his presidency.
Readers' Trends
See what is most popular in Port Of Harlem's e-mailed issue, and on our web, Pinterest, and Facebook pages.
African Ancestry DNA Test Winners
By Wayne A. Young
Nevaeh Brown does her part to start the DNA testing process by rubbing her jaw with a q-tip 20 times.
Gina Paige, cofounder and President of African Ancestry, shares DNA test findings with Samiah Tate, Nevaeh Brown, their parents, other club members, and club administrator.
Maternal Inheritance. Each child carries his mother’s mitochondrial DNA. Each daughter passes the same mitochondrial DNA to her female and male children. (Follow the gold. Also, the yellow dot with the son is from his mother.) Click to enlarge in Pinterest.
Paternal Inheritance. Only the male child carries his father’s Y chromosome. Each son passes the same Y chromosome to his male children. (Follow the blue. Also, the yellow dot with the son is from his mother.) Click to enlarge in Pinterest.
Samiah Tate and Nevaeh Brown were the proud winners of free
African Ancestry DNA tests through the
Port Of Harlem Gambian Education Partnership’s (POHGEP) Self-Discovery through TV, Family Trees, DNA Tests, and Facebook program. POHGEP conducted the program with the Richard England Boys and Girls Club on Benning Road, NE in Washington, DC and Kotu Senior Secondary School in The Gambia with funds granted from
Humanities DC.
Both young ladies took the MatriClan Test, which analyzes the mitochondrial DNA women and men inherit exclusively from their mothers; therefore, women and men can take the test. Before taking the test, Tate says she was a bit afraid until “I found out that all I had to do was to put the q-tip on my jaw and rub it 20 times.”
The paternal complementary test, the PatriClan Test, is only for men. This test analyzes the Y chromosome, a part of the DNA that only males carry. Hence, men inherit the chromosome exclusively from their fathers. Females interested in their father’s lineage, must have a male blood relative take this test for them.
Tate’s test revealed that her mother’s direct maternal line is Native American. “About eight percent of the maternal lineages that African Ancestry traces are European or Native American,” says Gina Paige, cofounder and President of African Ancestry. “Largely due to the sexual behavior of White men during the period of slavery, 30 percent of the paternal lineages that African Ancestry traces are European,” she politely continued.
Unlike with African DNA, Paige could not tell Tate which Native American ethnic group her ancestor was a member. “No company has a database of Native American DNA,” she explained.
African Ancestry, however, has the largest database of African genetic lineages, containing over 33,000 samples from 35 African countries. Their closest competitor has 621 African genetic lineages, says Paige.
Brown’s direct maternal line points to a female ancestor from present day Sierra Leone. After getting her results, Brown, a student at Kipp DC Key Academy, says the experience was “really fun and cool.”
Though African Ancestry is the first and only company to specialize in African lineages, its testing has its limits. The MatriClan test, for instance, does not reveal the lineage of each and every person in the family tree, just the “direct” lineage or mother’s mother, mother, and etcetera. (See
Maternal and Paternal Inheritance graphics and click to enlarge them.)
As Paige explained to the Boys and Girls’ club participants, each person has two parents, four grandparents, eight great-great grandparents, and so on. Since the test discovers the origins of only one line, Paige had several of her family members take the tests to get a broader view of her ancestors. She discovered that her ancestors include at least: four Nigerians, one Liberian, one Angolan, and one Portuguese.
“Largely due to the sexual behavior of White men during the period of slavery, 30 percent of the paternal lineages that African Ancestry traces are European,” she politely continued.
While African Ancestry offers two of the three major types of genealogical DNA tests, mtDNA (MatriClan Test) and Y-DNA (PatriClan Test), a third type of test, an Autosomal test, is readily available.
When experts analyze the result of an Autosomal test, the results tell you what percentage of your blood comes from various geographic locations. The International Society of Genetic Genealogy publishes an
Autosomal DNA Testing Comparison Chart that explains some differences between Autosomal tests.
Paige further clarified, “Autosomal tests do not analyze the mitochondrial DNA or Y chromosome.” Instead, the Autosomal test look at chromosomes 1–22 and X, which you inherit from both parents and all recent ancestors. The results are estimates of your ethnic makeup. For an example, the results may reveal that 36 percent of your DNA is Native American and 72 percent is Sierra Leonean. Some experts question the ethnicity estimates at the sub-continental level.
In addition to DNA testing, Boys and Girls’ Club participants in the POHGEP program watched portions of PBS’ “Finding Your Roots,” learned how to use free genealogical search databases via DC Public Library, questioned family members about their ancestors, completed a family tree, and used Facebook to communicate with their Gambian peers and possible distant cousins, to increase their self-awareness.
One Gambian participant, Musa Njie, is now studying engineering in China. Before leaving the homeland, Njie said the Facebook chats with the Boys and Girl’s Club participants made him aware of the broader world and with the “help of POHGEP, I am more ready to withstand any conditions where I am.” Tate, a student at KIPP DC Valor Academy, says it “was a fun experience.”

Gift Ideas for Children and Families – Two Free Drawings
Book: (Click to enter free drawing for a copy.) With illustrator Charles Pinkney’s name on the cover, I knew
“In Your Hands,” (Simon & Schuster, $17.99) would be a high quality children’s book, but I was not sure how I would judge a “prayer book.” Would it be intolerant or inclusive?
It turns out to be an absolute perfect book, one I would want every new parent of a son, maybe even a daughter, in my family to have. Author Carole Boston Weatherford magically use simple words and phrases to express any parent’s hope and dreams for their child as he or she grows up. But, since the illustrated child in the book is a Black male, she deals with the reality of raising a Black male in America.
As the child gets older, Weatherford appropriately alters the prayer. Without getting too deep or adult-serious, she includes lines such as this: “I will pray that the world sees you as a child of God; and, as you cast a longer shadow, that you will be viewed as a vessel to be steered rather than a figure to be feared.” On that note, I was sold.
Book: Another great book that I love for children is “
Bad News for Outlaws: The Remarkable Life of Bass Reeves, Deputy U.S. Marshal.” I fell in love with this book after a Black posted a derogatory remark about Blacks wearing cowboy hats on this magazine’s Facebook page, as if Blacks wearing cowboy hats were “sellouts.”
The historically inaccurate thought also prompted Port Of Harlem to feature the very popular “
Black Slaves, Red Masters” with Washington, DC news reporter Sam Ford. Over the years, Ford has done many stories on Black western life, history, and culture. Hence, when I saw “Bad News for Outlaws” at the Library of Congress’ Book Fair, I had to read the well researched true story of this peace officer in the American Old West.
Book: (
Click to enter free drawing for a copy.) “
The Complete Month Of Meals Collection” (The American Diabetes Association,
$29.95.) In an age where I would just rather go online to get a recipe, I really love this book and I am using it. And, I don’t even have diabetes, but I love eating healthy (healthier).
What is cool about this book is its three-part, split-page design. The design allows me to interact with the pages by flipping the breakfast, lunch, and dinner tabs so to mix them for a variety of daily meal plans - - and be able to see them in one view. The recipes are quick and offer such a variety that I get the feel that I am salivating over a different healthy (healthier) restaurant menu every day. And, no matter how much we want to satisfy our hunger, food becomes boring and variety become important. I am not sure why they say it has a only a month of recipes, since it really has about two months worth and each recipe comes with nutritional value data.
Clothes: Beacon Threads has a great line of Christian-based and inspirational onesies for infants and out-of-wear for kids, with sayings such as “Child of God,” and “Be Great.” I was most impressed by the quality of the material and competitive prices.
Food/Snacks: For the first time this Mother’s Day, I mail ordered some fruit from a well-known distributor of gourmet foods and treats. The packaging was great and the fruit was plump. This season, however, I am sending nuts from
Boso Kitchen. This is an upstart company with superior packing and uniquely flavored, fresh nuts. (The packaging in real life look just like what I see on their website, but it is not gift packed.) My favorite is the Savory Chili Pecans.
Though the brain behind the company is from Cameroon, she says it’s not fair to say its Cameroonian food, but some items are Cameroonian inspired. In addition to nuts, that kids and others will like, they mail order fresh Black Peppercorn (black pepper) from Cameroon. For customers in Metro DC, they prepare soups and salads for pick-up.
Wall Map: How Big is Africa poster. Speaking of Africa, the African Studies Center at Boston University has produced a 24 x 31 inch full-color poster of the map of Africa for $19.95 + shipping & handling. Each poster order includes a detailed curriculum guide. The poster is intended for all ages!
Free Drawing Rules:
We will select a winner from a random drawing, Monday, November 27 11a, US EDT.
- We will send an email to the winner asking for his/her name and full address.
- The winner must respond within 24 hours to claim the book or by Tuesday, November 28, 11a, EDT.
If the winner does not make the claim in 24 hours, we will continue the process until we have a confirmed winner.

POH Welcomes Mosaic Theater – More Free Play Ticket Drawings Coming
Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St NE, hosts the two-year old theater company. Look for free ticket give aways in upcoming issues of Port Of Harlem.
Mosaic Theater Company has joined Port Of Harlem magazine’s roster of advertisers. A recent Port Of Harlem survey of readers show that many Port Of Harlem readers enjoy attending theater productions - - 19 percent of our readers reported doing business with Studio Theater in the past year and 8 percent with MetroStage.
Atlas Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St NE, hosts the two-year old theater company whose mission is to be a model of “diversity and inclusion at every strata, on stage and off.”
Producer, playwright, dramaturg, and educator Ari Roth founded Mosaic Theater Company in December 2014, after serving as Artistic Director of Theater J for 18 years. Jennifer L. Nelson is serving as one of two associate artists, she previously served as producing artistic director of the African Continuum Theatre Company - - a former Port Of Harlem advertiser. The leadership also includes Serge Seiden and Victoria Murray Baatin.
Port Of Harlem is also looking forward to working with Mosaic Theater with offering ticket give aways for our readers and our readers embracing this company. Similar to our current book give-a-ways, winners must be current Port Of Harlem magazine subscribers. Subscriptions are free.
Sign-up now and become eligible for this and other drawings.
Becoming Your Parent’s Parent
By Marvin Bryson
It was my older brother who sat me down and helped me understand that I would have to learn to view mom more as I did my child - - than as my parent.
As I ponder my reasons for writing
“Expectancy: A Caregiver’s Story of Navigating Family Issues Between Retirement and Transition,” my faith in a higher power, God in my case, has lead me to believe it was his way of helping me survive the trauma and guilt that comes with committing a loved one to an assisted living facility. Ten years ago, I would have bet my last money that I would never be that child who could do what I thought was unthinkable. Life’s lessons have taught me otherwise.
It was during the 2007 Christmas holidays where I found myself moonlighting as a night–shift assistant film editor on a third tier cable TV program to make ends meet. After years of working amongst Hollywood’s A-list and enjoying the perks of being part of a top rated network television franchise, I had struck out on my own as a producer in search of that ever-allusive brass ring.
As fate would have it, the 2007-2008 screenwriters’ strike ensued. Independent productions came to a screeching halt. And many fledgling producers like myself were left in the lurch. Disheartened and burnt-out, I decided to head back home where I could assist my siblings in the care of our then 82-year-old mother.
Ever the optimist, I was also aware that the move would afford me respite in a space where I would be free to regroup, plan my next steps, and be back in the game within a year or so. What I didn’t plan on was the deteriorating health of my mother, which was manifesting itself in the form of memory loss and progressive general weakness.
My journey into caregiving was a slow-creep. At first it was convincing my mom to give-up driving to protect her and others and then came managing her finances when she asked me to help her with bill payments that were slipping through the cracks. The fundamental change occurred after a hospital stay that required weeks in a rehabilitation center before she could return home. That return home was when I realized that I was in a circumstance far deeper than I could have ever imagined.
Ironically enough, I had a 15-year career in the healthcare industry prior to becoming a filmmaker. This experience, coupled with paralegal/legal assistant training, provided me with a knowledge base for the challenges I was to face, administratively, as a primary caregiver. So dealing with HIPPA restrictions regarding my mom’s medical records and working with an Elder Law Attorney to construct the various wills, trusts, and other legal instruments necessary to ensure her continued financial viability was right in my wheelhouse.
What I came to realize rather quickly in the process, however; was that I was woefully unprepared for the highly emotional and physically draining aspects of caregiving itself. Thankfully, my brother and sister were connected in this regard as they had experienced it first-hand while I was off in Hollywood.
It was my older brother who sat me down and helped me understand that I would have to learn to view mom more as I did my child - - than as my parent. And to know that focusing on making decisions in her best interests would be my saving grace or the mental key to help me make it through.
In 2015, we committed my mom to an assisted living facility. We did the unthinkable. Playing the role of a parent to my parent was painful.
One of my favorite truths is: “An educated person doesn’t know everything, but they know where to find the answers.” In the book, I share my family’s journey to help individuals posit the questions for their particular solutions.
I include discussions on the legal and tax implications of family members acting as caregivers. For example, my understanding of the nuanced difference between a 1099 contractor and an employee was critical in my relaying the self-employment tax implications to a family member that was considering taking on a caregiving-contractor situation - - a scenario that could cost the family member thousands of dollars if done improperly.
It is my hope that sharing my story will spur readers to take a proactive stance regarding their family’s needs. So please, start the conversation.

Keep an Eye on Your Social Media Accounts
There has been a new push for extremely broad data collection reports one immigration law firm.
The Department of Homeland Security continues to collect social media information on all visitors and immigrants and disclosing that information is becoming a prerequisite on visa applications says Haynes Novick Immigration which practices immigration law. Consular officials, U.S. Customs and Border Protection(CBP), U.S. Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) have been collecting this information for the past several years, but there has been a new push for extremely broad data collection.
However, immigration officials cannot request social media information that is in-his-hands (not available for public viewing) without a warrant, unless the subscriber has consented to disclosure when signing up for the service. Haynes Novick further advises all foreign nationals to review their Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms, “especially before applying for a visa or traveling to the U.S.”
The D.C. based firm continued “It is also important to make sure your social media posts do not contradict your stated intentions regarding travel and activities in the U.S. In short, be smart about what you post online because the U.S. government is paying attention.”
Meanwhile, in September,
10 U.S. citizens and one lawful permanent resident filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging, on First Amendment and Fourth Amendment grounds, searches and seizures of smartphones, laptops, and other electronic devices at the U.S. border.
Blacks Led 45 Resistance
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) made national headlines as he grilled Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III.
Buttress by a constituency strongly disapproving the current U.S. president, Black lawmakers continue to lead in the resistance against his presidency. Quinnipiac University released a poll last Tuesday revealing that 93 percent of African Americans said the president is not fit to serve.
The president’s disapproval from the African-American community is backed by 70 percent of Hispanics. White voters, however, are split on the question of 45s fitness for office: 49 percent said he is fit; 48 percent said he isn’t fit.
The day after the poll results were released, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), who represents a majority Black Memphis district, was joined by Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) member Al Green (D-TX), and Adriano Espaillat (D-Harlem, NY) calling for a hearing on impeaching the 45th president.
“We’re calling upon the House to begin impeachment hearings,” Cohen said. “It’s not a call for a vote. It’s a call for hearings,” continued Tennessee’s first Jewish congressperson. Cohen said CBC member Marcia Fudge (D-OH) and John Yarmuth (D-KY) have also signed on to
House Resolution 621 and signaled that others will join.
Gutierrez’ district in 70 percent Hispanic. Espaillat represents Harlem and is of Dominican descent, but has refused to join the CBC. Yarmuth’s district is 20 percent Black.
CBC member Hakeem Jeffries (D-Brooklyn and Queens, NY) also made headlines for his grilling of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, where Sessions repeatedly said he could not remember many details.
27th Annual BZB Holiday Gift & Art Show returns to
Shiloh Baptist Church.
Sweeter Hue Grand Opening & Small Business Saturday Pop-Up Shop
1540 North Capitol Street, NW #201 (Look for the Pink Door)
Sat, Nov 25, 10a-2p, free
First 50 people receive a swag bag
Ethiopian International Fashion
Culture And Art Week
1 Veterans Place
Silver Spring, MD
Sun, Nov 26, 5p-10p, $25
Holiday Artisan Bazaar
(Cindy Williams, Anthony Driver,
Idriys Abdullah, and Millee Spears)
6025 North Dakota Avenue, NW
Sat, Dec 2, 1p-7p, free
An Army of Educators
Marvin T. Jones
Rock Creek Nature Center's Civil War Roundtable
5200 Glover Rd, NW
Dec 3, 9:30a-11a, free
27th Annual BZB Holiday Gift & Art Show
Shiloh Baptist Church
9th and P Streets, NW
Fri, Nov 24-Sat, Nov 25
Sats, Dec 2, Dec, 9, Dec 16
Fri, Dec 22-Sat
Dec 23
10a-7p, free
LakeShore Classic
(Chicago/NWI high school basketball)
West Side Academy
9th Gerry
Fri, Nov 24-Sat, Nov 25, $5-$10
Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts and Culture
Jazzy Gala
Charlotte Convention Center
Sat, Dec 2, 6p, $
Lagos, Nigeria
LagosPhoto Festival 2017: Regimes of Truth
African Artists' Foundation 3b,
Isiola Oyekan close, (off Adeleke Adedoyin Street Off Kofo Abayomi street)
Victoria Island
Sat, Nov 25, 6p-Fri, Dec 15, 11:30p, free
New York
An Opera of the World
A film by Manthia Diawara
Cantor Film Center-NYU
36 East 8th Street (between University Place
and Greene Street)
Wed, Nov 29, 6p, free
Jus Laughs Philly!!! Comedy Show
Philadelphia Ethical Society
1906 Rittenhouse Square
Fri, Nov 24, 8p-1p, $12-$25
The Gambia
World Premier Screening: Love is the Answer
Hypo Link (Palma Junction)
Sat, Nov 25, 7p-9p, D250-D1,000
(date changed)
United States
Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Open Season
Wed, Nov 1-Fri, Dec 15
Some States, have extended deadlines
The World
World Aids Day
Fri, Dec 1, all day, free
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