October 13 – October 26, 2016
On The Dock This Issue:
Archbishop Tutu Wants Assisted-Dying Option
Now, Tutu has recorded a video saying he wants the option of assisted dying when the time comes.
Jacob Lawrence, Whitfield Lovell – Free Ticket Drawing
You can be one of two Port Of Harlem subscribers who will win a pair of tickets to see the exhibitions showing through Sunday, January 8, 2017. |
Dealing with African Youth Unemployment
He also connected the lack of youth employment in his West African country to the rise in young Malians participating in terrorist activities; echoing many Americans who equate the lack of inner city job opportunities to criminal activity. |
Many Black Lawmakers Supported Obama Veto
A hefty 20 of 43 voting Black legislators had Obama's back, along with 57 non-Blacks, to not override the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act. |
State of Kids in D.C.
63 percent were Black and 14 percent were Hispanic - - 53 percent lived in single-mother households |
Vote USA 2016
"Stacy on the Right" radio program debuts in seven urban markets, Al Gore = Exhibit A |
Interesting, diverse things to do |
Readers' Trends
Port Of Harlem, Pinterest, and Facebook (Add to our more than 800 LIKES) |
Archbishop Tutu Wants Assisted-Dying Option
“As a Christian, I believe in the sanctity of life and that death is a part of life."
-Desmond Tutu
After announcing the reversal of his lifelong opposition to assisted dying as an option for terminally ill adults to stop unbearable end-of-life suffering, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu was ambiguous about whether he personally wanted the option years earlier. Now,
Tutu has recorded a video saying he wants the option of assisted dying when the time comes to pass and endorsing bills worldwide to authorize this end-of-life option.
“As a Christian, I believe in the sanctity of life and that death is a part of life. I hope that when the time comes, I am treated with compassion and allowed to pass on to the next phase of life's journey in the manner of my choice,” says Archbishop Tutu, who turned 85 and has prostate cancer, in the video.
The new video of Archbishop Tutu, the first Black Archbishop of the Anglican Church of South Africa, was recorded in June for Dignity in Dying and Compassion & Choices. The two nonprofit organizations are the leading national advocates for medical aid in dying as an end-of-life option in the United Kingdom and United States, respectively.
While an Assisted Dying Bill was defeated in the UK one year ago, aid-in-dying bills are under consideration in the District of Columbia and New Jersey, and referendum in Colorado. Canada authorized assisted dying for terminally ill adults in Canada in June 2016.
Canada authorized assisted dying for terminally ill adults in Canada in June 2016.
“The right for terminally ill people to die with dignity in the manner and timing of their choosing should be given attention and respect,” added Sarah Wootton, Chief Executive of Dignity in Dying in the United Kingdom.

Jacob Lawrence, Whitfield Lovell – Free Ticket Drawing
Jacob Lawrence, The Migration Series, Panel no. 1: During World War I there was a great migration north by southern African Americans., 1940–41. Casein tempera on hardboard, 12 x 18 in. The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC, Acquired 1942 © The Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Foundation, Seattle / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
For the first time since 2008, all 60 colorful panels of the historic “
The Migration Series” by Jacob Lawrence are on display at The Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St NW in Washington, D.C.
You can be one of two Port Of Harlem subscribers who will win a pair of tickets to see the exhibition showing through Sunday, January 8, 2017.
The paintings depict the migration of Blacks from the South to the North and often used by families to explain family history. “Art is an important way to stimulate dialogue,” confirmed curator Elsa Smithgal.
The Migration series exhibit includes short explanations of many of the paintings by the deceased Lawrence. To hear the explanations, patrons use their cell phones to hear a recording.
The Phillips is also featuring the debut Washington presentation of Whitfield Lovell’s “
Kin Series.” The Bronx, New York native features black and white images mostly on recovered wood. Many readers may be familiar with his work in calendars.
In addition to the exhibitions, the Collection is featuring several
events including a Migration/Immigration International Forum, Saturday and Sunday, October 22 and October 23 and a talk by Whitfield Lovell Wednesday, November 16.
“It’s just a coincidence that both exhibits opened during the opening on the new National Museum of African American History and Culture," says Dorothy Kosinski, the Phillips’ Director, during a press tour. Both men have works in the new museum.
The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York is loaning its half of the Migration series to The Phillips Collection, which owns the other half, to make this special exhibition possible in conjunction with the 100th year since the artist’s birth in 1917 in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
After leaving Washington, the exhibit will open in Seattle, Washington, where he died in 2000, January 21 – April 23, 2017. NOMA last showed the entire collection in 2015.
Exhibition admission is $12, $10 for seniors and students; free for members and visitors 18 and under.
We will select two winners on Monday, October 17 2016. We will then send the winners an e-mail to confirm the winning selection, he or she then has 24 hours to claim the free tickets by e-mail.
If we do not get a confirmation by Tuesday, October 18, 2016, we will draw another winner and continue to process until we have two winners.
Click here to enter the drawing.

Dealing with African Youth Unemployment

“How do we train and equip our young people to do the projects?” said Mahamane Baby, Mali’s Minister of Employment and Vocational Training.
After observing that a South African mining company had hired Filipino and other foreigners to work in its Malian mines, Mahamane Baby (pronounced Baba), Mali’s Minister of Employment and Vocational Training, echoed what is often said in the United States. “How do we train and equip our young people to do the projects?”
He also connected the lack of youth employment in his West African country to the rise in young Malians participating in terrorist activities just as many Americans equate the lack of inner city job opportunities to criminal activity.
Baby participated in the first of three panels organized by the Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa. The discussion on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. centered on promoting youth inclusive policies for growth in three West African countries: Mali, Gambia, and Senegal.
Alieu Jammeh, Gambia’s Minister of Youth and Sports, generally agreed with Baby that given the land, labor, and good weather, their countries should not be importing food. “The money spent on importing food, could be use to employ youth,” he said.
Many of the panelists focused on the root of the youth employment problem on having a large portion of their population being rural and uneducated. However, Lilian Aber of the Uganda National Youth Council, emphasized the need to change the “mindset” of African youth from thinking that agricultural work is for losers to that being a noble profession.
Similar to the call by many trade specialists (read
Brexit, Africa, and Black America) for a strong African Union to act as a unified market, Sean Mulvaney, Associate Director of International Business Development at Proctor and Gamble, called on African countries to seek stronger economic integration to encourage large companies to invest in their unified market. Proctor and Gamble has plants in two of Africa’s largest markets, South Africa and Nigeria.

Many Black Lawmakers Supported Obama Veto
“Again, how would we feel about foreign judges and juries deciding whether or not the United States sponsored terrorism?” said Scott. (D-VA).
Even as Congress handed President Obama his only veto override during his two, four-year terms, a hefty 20 of 43 voting Black legislators had his back, along with 57 non-Blacks, to not override the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, that will allow Americans to sue foreign governments, under certain situations. The successful override vote in the House was 348 to 77. Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) member Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Chicago) did not vote.
In addition to the 43 voting members, the CBC has 2 non-voting delegates. Also, two African descendents, Tim Scott (R-SC) and William Heard (R-TX) are not CBC members.
The 77 who voted against the override included 59 Democrats including CBC member Bobby Scott (D-VA). “One fundamental indication of fairness of legislation is not how it would work to our benefit, but what we would think if it were used against us,” prodded Scott from the House floor.
“Consider our Nation's actions in Iraq. While there may be questions about Saudi Arabia's indirect involvement in 9/11, there is no question about who the state-sponsored actor was in 2003 when we bombed Baghdad and killed and injured hundreds of thousands of people with little or no evidence that Iraq was any immediate threat to the United States or our allies,” he continued.
In the Senate, both Blacks, however, voted for the override of the President’s decision. Senators Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s running mate, and Sanders did not vote. Sen. Reid (D-VA) was the only Senator to stand with Obama. Many who voted for the bill are now rethinking their decision. “Again, how would we feel about foreign judges and juries deciding whether or not the United States sponsored terrorism?” said Scott.
Specifically, the bill authorizes federal court jurisdiction over a civil claim against a foreign state for physical injury to a person or property or death that occurs inside the United States as a result of: (1) an act of international terrorism, and (2) a tort committed anywhere by an official, agent, or employee of a foreign state acting within the scope of employment.

State of Kids in D.C.

53 percent lived in single-mother households.
107, 989 children under 18 lived in DC in 2014 says HyeSook Chung, Executive Director of DC Action for Children. 63 percent were Black and 14 percent were Hispanic - - 53 percent lived in single-mother households. Ward 8 had the largest number of DC infants and toddlers.
DC Action for Children is an independent research, policy, and advocacy organization dedicated to improving child well-being in the District of Columbia. They work with city agencies, the school system and providers to get accurate and timely data and make it clear and accessible to all on their
During Esther Productions’ Fatherless Daughters Reconciliation Project discussion, HyeSook Chung revealed that she particularly dislikes the practice of medicating children who are having social problems.

- The Coalition of African American Pastors (CAPP) called for an “exodus” from the Democratic Party. Rev. Williams Owens, president of CAPP, says the support for Hillary Clinton will continue to subject Blacks to the same unsustainable policies implemented by President Lyndon Johnson, who issued crumbs and enslaved Black families through programmatic handouts to keep them under control and dependent
- Stacy Washington's "Stacy on the Right" radio program debuts in seven urban markets on the Urban Family Talk network. This new, national - and conservative - voice will be heard daily on urban talk radio in Memphis, Cleveland, Madison, Tupelo, Toledo, Boise, and Atlanta.
Click here to register to Vote
- “Here’s my second message: Your vote really, really, really counts — a lot. You can consider me as an exhibit A of that group. Now, for those of you who are younger than 25, you might not remember the election of 2000 and what happened here in Florida and across the country,” Gore said, prompting boos from the crowd.
-AL Gore in Florida
Ron Simmons retires from Us Helping Us. He celebrates the group's annual fundraiser Sat, Oct. 29.
Jacob Lawrence’s The Great Migration
and Whitfield Lovell’s
The Kin Series and Related Works
The Phillips Collection
1600 21st St NW
though Sun, Jan 8, $12
Millennial Week DC 2016
Various Locations
through Sat, Oct 15, 8a-9p
Revolutionary Movements Then and Now:
Black Power and Black Lives Matter
US National Archives and Records Administration
700 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Wed, Oct 19, 7p-10p, free
East of The River Book Festival
2335 Raynolds Street, SE
Sat, Oct 22, 11a-3p, free
Us Helping US
Passion for Living, A Celebratory Night of Giving
University of the District of Columbia Student Center
4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Sat, Oct 29, 6p-11p, $125
The Whipping Man
The Fells Point Corner Theater
251 S. Ann Street
Fri, Oct 14-Sun, Oct 30, $15-$20
London, UK
Boy With Beer
by former POH contributor
Paul Boakye
Kings Head Theater
Brixton, London, UK
Tue, Nov 8 – Sat, Nov 26
New York
Felipe Luciano
WBAI Radio, 99.5 FM
Fridays, 6a-8, free
The Death of the Last Black Man in the
Whole Entire World
The Pershing Square Signature Center
480 West 42nd Street
Begins Tue, Oct 25, $30
Fayetteville, NC
2nd Annual Cultivating Profits
w/Small Scale Farming Conference
Fayetteville State University
Fri, Oct 14, 8a-Sat, Oct 15, 12p, free
(Thought-provoking documentary, scholars, activists and politicians
analyze the criminalization of African Americans
and the U.S. prison boom)
by Ava DuVernay (director, Selma)
Caribbean Night Featuring Sandals/Beaches Resorts
Flavors of India
7185 Columbia Gateway Dr, Ste A
Columbia, MD
Thu, Nov 3, 6:30p-8p, free
BZB Gift Show
Shiloh Baptist Church
9th and P Streets, NW
Fri and Sat, Nov 25-26, 10a-7p, free
Sats Dec 3, 10, 17, 10a-7p, free
Fri Dec 23, 10a-9p, free