Free Subscription Drive
Goal: 14 in 14 Days
We need your help at identifying people like you who will appreciate getting news and information from an inclusive, diverse, and pan-African perspective. Um, now that you have thought of someone, forward this e-mail to them and suggest that they sign up for Port Of Harlem Snippets today.
POH Publisher,
The New Internet Battle
It’s possible, instead of all online companies having access to the Internet equally; some companies may pay more to be able to deliver you their website faster than others. The effect could be that smaller, newer companies would not have the funds to purchase the fastest delivery service, resulting in consumers not being able to download them as fast as others and avoiding them. The FCC is debating the “net neutrality” issue now.

A Journey Through The African Diaspora'
Mural Unveiling & Celebration
Suitland High School
Annabelle Ferguson Auditorium
Thu, May 29, 7p-9p, free
Green Festival
Washington Convention Center
Sat, May 31 – Sun, Jun 1, 10a-6p
Golden Minaret Awards
Capitol Hill Liaison Hotel and Resort
415 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Sat, May 31, 7p-10p, $
The Washington Metropolitan
Philharmonic Orchestra
(including George Gershwin’s Catfish Row)
Church of the Epiphany
1317 G St., NW
Sun, Jun 1, 3p, $20, under 19-free
The Beltway BBQ Showdown
Tucker Road Athletic Complex
1771 Tucker Road
Fort Washington, MD
Sat, Jun 7, 12p–7p, $2
The Washington Metropolitan
Philharmonic Orchestra
(including George Gershwin’s Catfish Row)
T C Williams High School
3330 King St.
Alexandria, VA
Sun, Jun 8, 3p, $20, under 19-free
Benjamin Moore 2004 Summer Color Trends Seminar
Monarch Paint & Wallcovering
5608 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Wed, Jun 11, 6p, Refreshments Served, free
Blue Monday Blues + Fish Fry
Westminster Presbyterian Church
400 I Street, SW
Mons, 6p-9p, $5, under 16 - free
Jazz Night Fridays + Fish Fry
Westminster Presbyterian Church
400 I Street, SW
Mons, 6p-9p, $5, under 16 – free
food, drinks, and music
Half and M Sts, SE, free
Fris, Jun 13, Jul 11, Aug 8, and Sep 12
Third Annual Charm City
LGBT Film Festival
Creative Alliance
Thu May 29- Sat May 31
New York
Nikki Giovanni and
Kwame Alexander
A HueMan Bookstore Event
Mist Harlem
46 W 116th St
Thu, May 29, 7p, free
The Black Stars of The Great White Way
Broadway Reunion
Carnegie Hall
Mon, Jun 2,8p, $35-$200
National African-American Journalists Become Critical of African Leaders
Progressive Askia Muhammad:
The Late Great African Continent
 A generation ago when we were just learning about the great accomplishments of African scholars and civilizations, during a period when Europeans were literally living in caves, Black people were proud of our African heritage. For the most part, we still are proud of that heritage. But something ugly has happened to Africa, throughout Africa . . .
I have traveled to maybe two dozen of Africa’s 50-some-odd countries – to South Africa and to Egypt a half dozen times each; a dozen or more trips to Nigeria; to Niger, Mali, Malawi, Morocco, Libya, Liberia, Senegal, Ghana, Gambia, Chad, Congo, Comoros Islands, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, and more. I am sorry to say, there’s hardly one of them where I would even consider residing, and only a few where I would consider visiting.
Read More (first published April 23, 2014)
. . .
Conservative Raynard Jackson:
More Self-Reliance Needed in Africa
For the most part, my criticism of Africa has to do with its leaders and government bureaucrats, not the people. Many of the leaders are corrupt and selfish, interested only in the enrichment of themselves, their families and their cronies.
On the other hand, the people of Africa only want three things: education, healthcare, and a job. This seems to be very reasonable and pretty much a universal desire; and one that should be easily achievable on the continent of Africa. But it’s not.
Africa reminds me of the kid who always wants to be treated like a “big boy,” but then constantly cries for his big brother to rescue him when he gets in trouble. Generally speaking, Africa wants U.S. investments yet can’t provide security for their own people. And if they fail to provide security at that level, there is no reason to believe African countries can provide security for foreign investments.
Read More (first published May 19, 2014) . . .
Former POH Editor Now MD
left to right - Dr. Elizabeth Banks (OB/GYN) of Balimore, MD, USA, POH publisher Wayne Young,
and Bank's boyfriend
Dr. Emeka Anyanwu.(internist)
of Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada
Elizabeth Banks, a former Port Of Harlem editor, graduated from Case Western Reserve University’s School of Medicine May 18. The Baltimore Polytechnic Public School graduate will begin her residency at the University of Chicago where her father and brother completed their studies. She will specialize in obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN).
Banks edited several Port of Harlem print issues. She also co-wrote the travel story ” Yes, Boise! “ with her uncle, Port of Harlem publisher Wayne Young.
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