Meet Oumar Dioume of Senegal
Though Dr. Oumar Dioume is a retired engineering professor, he is still kindling his passion for world African history. Much of his focus has been on documenting the achievements of Blacks in the sciences with an emphasis on including Blacks born outside the United States.
“The first Blacks in critical numbers to be involved in much of the western world were Black Americans,” reasoned Dioume on why Black American achievements dominate so much of the current Black history literature. However, in his book, Lumieres Noires Del L’Humanite (Black Lights of Humanity), he also highlights non-scientists such as Haitian Olympian Silvio Cator.
Lumieres Noires Del L’Humanite and his other book, Inventeurs et Héros Noirs, (Black Inventors and Heroes) are available through the Library of Congress.
Michelle Obama in China
Three generations of native Chicago South Siders will travel to China: The first lady, her two daughters, Malia and Sasha, and her mother, the 76-year-old First Grandma Marian Robinson. Mrs. Obama will travel March 19-26, spending several days in the capital of Beijing that will include a meeting with Peng Liyuan, the wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping. Liyuan is a popular folk singer.
While in China, Mrs. Obama will focus on the power and importance of education, including in her own life, during visits to a high school and a university in Beijing, and a high school in Chengdu.
Before leaving the USA, Mrs. Obama is encouraging American students to follow her trip on social media, including Instagram, and the White House website, where she will post a daily travel blog.
Washington, DC
Kevin Eubanks
Blues Alley
1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Thu, Mar 20 - Sun, Mar 23 , $35
Fashion at the Mansion
At the Newton White Mansion
2708 Enterprise Rd
Mitchellville, MD
Fri, Mar 29, 8p, $
The N-Word: Its Origins and Evil Uses
CR Gibbs
Shiloh Baptist Church
9th & P Sts, NW
Sun, Mar 30, 9a, free
Center for Visual and Performing Arts
South Shore Arts presents William Dawson
1040 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN
Through Sat, Apr 20, $2
Greater New York
Central Brooklyn Jazz Festival
Thu, Mar 28-Tue, Apr 30
Quvenzhané Wallis to Star as Annie – Racists Go Crazy
Racist barbs were delivered via social media as news broke that Oscar nominated actress Quvenzhané Wallis (pictured left) will star in the remake of Annie. Wallis, who is of African descent, starred in Beast of the Southern Wild. Also starring in Annie will be Oscar winner Jamie Fox as Benjamin Stacks, the new-age Daddy Warbucks and Cameron Diaz as Miss Hanigan.
Bum Farto wrote on Twitter, “Annie was a freckled face redhead, not a nappy head parasite infected #nigger shitbag! #niggers ruin everything!!”
He also got his share of “retweets” and “favorites.”
Coming this Christmas: Watch the trailer, Annie (she's now from Harlem!).
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, a 13-part journey through the universe and beyond, kicked off Sunday, March 9 (9 p.m. ET/PT) on 10 networks, led by Fox and National Geographic Channel, with an introduction by President Obama.
Neil deGrasse Tyson hosts the series. Full Episodes are also online.
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