Since the 1963 March on Washington – America Changes
And because they kept marching, America changed. Because they marched, the civil rights law was passed. Because they marched, the voting rights law was signed. Because they marched, doors of opportunity and education swung open so their daughters and sons could finally imagine a life for themselves beyond washing somebody else's laundry or shining somebody else's shoes. Because they marched, city councils changed and state legislatures changed and Congress changed and, yes, eventually the White House changed.
Because they marched, America became more free and more fair, not just for African-Americans but for women and Latinos, Asians and Native Americans, for Catholics, Jews and Muslims, for gays, for Americans with disabilities.
America changed for you and for me.
Barack Hussein Obama
March on Washington 2013
August 28, 2013
Absolutely. Children born in the last eight years will only know an African-American man being president of the United States. That changes the bar for all of our children, regardless of their race, their sexual orientation, their gender. It expands the scope of opportunity in their minds. And that’s where change happens. You know, laws and policies are important. But in the end, it’s how we are living our lives.
Michelle Obama
Parade Magazine
August 18, 2013
We have made progress. The fact that we can do things our parents couldn’t and that their parents couldn’t is undeniable. But don’t use it as an excuse to stop the move toward progress … use it to inspire.
Al Sharpton
Time Magazine
Aug 26-Sep 2, 2013
Republicans Commemorate
March on Washington
The Republican National Committee (RNC) commemorated the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington August 26 with a luncheon at the Capitol Hill Club. (The Republican leadership was noticeably absent from the Marches on Washington August 24 and August 28) Similar to events held by or for Black liberals, the RNC draped its events with gospel music, the singing of the National Black Anthem and its own Martin Luther King family connection in the body of one of his nieces, Alveda King. “I am a Republican and I am a proud Republican,” the Black conservative said.
Despite the presence of the defeated Congressman Allen West (R-FL), most of the speakers were free of the anti-Obama, anti-progressive agenda rhetoric. “My job is to fix the Voting Rights Act. This is something that must be done by the end of the year, before the 2014 elections,” declared Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI).
Calling on Congress to work together, Robert Brown of B&C Associates reminded Congress that the US was built on compromise. “This is part of our legacy,” he said. James Kemp, son of the deceased Republican moderate Jack Kemp, urged Republicans to help Detroit and show that Republicans have solutions to the nation’s ills while Bob Woodson reminded the overflow audience that competition is good and that groups like SNCC, CORE, and the NAACP, competed against each other to produce a more effective Civil Rights movement.
Woodson, of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, touched many nerves when he urged Blacks not to get upset just by the killing of Trayvon Martin, but also by the killings of Blacks by Blacks. “We should not wait for evil to wear a White face before we get outraged,” he said.
Things to Do
Washington, DC
11th Annual Alexandria King Street Art Festival
King Street from Washington Street to the
Potomac River waterfront
480 King Street
Alexandria, VA
Sat, Sep 7, 10a-7p
Sun, Sep 8, 10a-5p, free
Tell It with Pride
The 54th Massachusetts Regiment and
Augustus Saint-Gaudens' Shaw Memorial
National Gallery of Art
Sun, Sep 15, 2013–Mon, Jan 20, 2014, free
Congressional Black Caucus Obamcare Care Info
University of Baltimore
1420 N Charles St
Sat, Sep 14, 9a-5p, free, free breakfast
(Open enrollment in the (ObamaCare) Marketplace starts October 1,
with coverage starting as soon as January 1, 2014.)
The Mountaintop
Court Theater
5535 S. Ellis Ave.
Thu Sep 5 – Sun,Oct 6, $35-$45
Jacksonville, FL
Personal Finance from a Biblical Perspective
w/ financial planner Alicea Eliut
Unity Baptist Church
716 New Berlin Rd Suite 11
Wed, Sep 18, 7p, free
The Watsons Go To Birmingham
Starring Noni Rose and Alan Grier
Hallmark Channel Original Movie World Premiere
Fri, Sep 20 (8p ET/PT, 7C) |
The Watsons Go to Birmingham
The Watsons Go To Birmingham 1963, follows an all American family on their road trip from Flint, Michigan to Birmingham, Alabama in 1963 and their historic summer experiences give them a newfound courage to stand up for what is right and helps them grow stronger as a family in the process.
Set in the Summer of 1963, Flint, Michigan is home to the Watsons, a close knit family made up of Daniel and Wilona Watson, and their three kids, 15 year-old juvenile delinquent Byron , nerdy 11 year-old Kenny and eight year-old adorable sister Joetta. When Byron’s antics go over the top, his parents realize enough is enough and they decide the family needs a dose of Grandma Sands no nonsense approach in Birmingham, Alabama.
So the Watsons load up the 1948 Plymouth Brown Bomber outfitted with a true tone Ultra-Glide turntable and head South with plenty of comedy en route. When they finally make it to Birmingham, they meet Grandma Sands and her friend, Mr. Robert, who show them around town and the Watsons discover that life is very different there than in Flint and not necessarily for the better. During that historic summer, the Watsons find themselves caught up in something far bigger than Byron’s antics; something that will change their lives and country forever.
The Hallmark Channel Original Movie World premieres Friday, September 20 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C).
POH Cover Girl Gets Married
Top) Amari and Keon Berry with daughter Zaria Berry.
Bottom) Amari on POH cover.
Amari Young, who graced the first full color issue of Port Of Harlem , was married to Keon Berry. Both are from Jacksonville, Florida and plan to settle in the city. Young, niece of POH Publisher Wayne Young, was escorted down the aisle by her brother Daris, while her father, Unity Baptist Church of Jacksonville pastor Derrick Young, officiated the marriage.
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