Election 2012
“After all, when the world looks to America, they look to us because we are the most successful economic and political experiment in human history. That is the true basis of American
exceptionalism. You see, the essence of America, what really unites us, is not nationality or ethnicity or religion. It is an idea. And what an idea it is. That you can come from humble circumstances and you can do great things, that it does not matter where you came from, it matters where you are going.”
-Condoleezza Rice
“Though I often disagree with Republicans, I never learned to hate them the way the far right that now controls their party seems to hate President Obama and the Democrats.”
-Former President Bill Clinton
“Being President doesn’t change who you are. It reveals who you are.”
-First Lady Michelle Obama
“Feel a cold coming on? Take two tax cuts, roll back some regulations, and call us in the morning. Now, I've cut taxes for those who need it - - middle-class families, small businesses. But I don't believe that another round of tax breaks for millionaires will bring good jobs to our shores, or pay down our deficit. I don't believe that firing teachers or kicking students off financial aid will grow the economy or help us compete with the scientists and engineers coming out of China. After all we've been through, I don't believe that rolling back regulations on Wall Street will help the small-businesswoman expand, or the laid-off construction worker keep his home.”
-President Barack Obama

Sister Simone Campbell
“The Affordable Care Act will cover people like Margaret . . . This is part of my pro-life stance.”
-Catholic Sister Simone Campbell
America the Beautiful: Putting Diversity and Inclusion in Practice
It seems silly today, but 56 years ago, singer Nat King Cole, who was Black, had to be careful how he related to the White women on his ground breaking The Nat King Cole Show. He would pal around with everyone else, but he never touched the White women on the show.
Three years later in 1959, newsperson Soledad O’Brien’s parents had to drive from Maryland to DC to get married because Black-White marriages were illegal in the “Free State.”
It’s 2016 and Kelly Ripa got a new morning TV partner on Live! And he is grabbing and picking her up. Her new partner is the 40-year-old, former New York Giants defensive Michael Strahan. Strahan replaces Regis Philbin, who hosted "Live!" for 28 years before departing last November.
Photo: Ripa and Strahan get close, 56 years after Nat King Cole could not touch a White woman on TV.

Things to Do
Rankin Chapel 2012-2013
Speaker Schedule
Alvin Ailey International Tour Schedule
Now through Sat, Oct 6, 2012, $

Invisible Man
Studio Theater
14th P Streets, NW
Washington, DC,
now till Sun, Oct 14, $
An Afternoon with Youssou N'Dour
(A conversation with Director Johnnetta Cole)
National Museum of African Art
Washington, DC
Thu, Sep 20, 3:30p-5p, free
2012 National Book Festival
National Mall
Sat, Sep 22, 10a-5:30p
Sun, Sep 23, noon -5:30p, free
Pan African Cultural Festival
One Veterans Place
Silver Spring, MD
Sat, Sep 22, free
Trade Secrets Sale
(including Millee Spears)
3805 Kansas Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20011
Sat, Sep 22, 12p-7p, free
5th Annual Downtown Hyattsville Arts Festival
Baltimore and Jefferson Streets
Hyattsville, MD
Sat, Sep 22, 11a-5p, free
The Harlem Chamber Players
Season Opening Concert
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
521 West 126th Street
Harlem, NY
Sun, Sep 23, 3p, $
8th annual All Roads Film Festival
National Geographic Society
1600 M Street N.W.
Washington, DC
Thu, Sep 27–Sun, Sep 30, $
Baltimore Book Festival
Mount Vernon
Baltimore, MD
Fri Sep 28–Sun, Sep 30, free
The France-Merrick Performing Arts Center
Hippodrome Theatre
Baltimore, MD
Wed, Oct 3–Sun, Nov 4, 2012
Review: Invisible Man –
Visibly Great!
by Wayne A. Young

Dan Reeves, the Port Of Harlem Snippets subscriber who won two tickets to see Invisible Man at Studio Theater, says “the play was great, but three hours is too long.”
Yes, the play was three hours long, but an extremely well-written dramatization of Black men’s worth to America. “Ralph Ellison’s work is the most articulate expression of the American Black male living from the 1920s to the 1960s,” added POH Book Reviewer Ida Jones. With two short intermissions, Jones and I easily clung to the full length of the play.
Somehow, Troy Hourie perfectly created a set that fits a multitude of varied scenes from the main character’s basement apartment to a street riot. Most prominent on the stage were the hundreds of light fixtures representing the 1,369 lights mentioned in the book explained Jones.
Teagle F. Bougere was excellent in his role as the main unnamed (symbolically invisible) character, as was the other members of the cast, all of whom had the burden of taking multiple roles. “The actors drew the audience into the play because of the full use of the intimate space,” said Jones.
The story follows the life of an unnamed Black male who struggles with wanting to be appreciated for his full humanity and not just his physical presence. He yearns to be heard, affective and openly appreciated. However, it’s the vignettes that explore this meaning that is absolutely riveting and illuminating.
As the main character clarified, he had to navigate growing up between being attentive to White expectations versus being aware of those expectations while not believing in them. To “play the game, but don’t believe it,” he said.
“Ralph Ellison is one of my favorite authors and his book had a profound affect on my life,” continued Reeves. Unlike Reeves, I found the book too mentally exhaustive and torturous and I could not finish it. However, like Reeve, I know the story will have a profound affect on my life. Jones added, “The issues of race, class, region and politics illuminated by Ellison are eerie and familiar even in the 21st century.”
Win – Iman Cosmetics
As the holiday promotional season rolls in, yes, even before the all-important national elections, IMAN Cosmetics "Adorned" Collection sent us there new gorgeous all-in-one palette of rich tones for eyes, lips and cheeks with a special limited edition collector's case designed by international artist and illustrator, Alvaro.
And we are giving away one of the kits to a lucky Port Of Harlem Snippets subscriber.
The Adorned Palette contains:
Two shades of Luxury Eye shadow for contouring and highlighting
Two shades of Luxury Lipsticks enriched with Vitamin E that can be used individually or custom-blended for a day or night look
Sheer Bronzing Powder which is enriched with minerals to contour cheeks and create glowing skin
Retail value = $10
Click here to enter your name in the drawing. We will select the winner Tuesday, October 25 and send the winner an e-mail. The winner has until Thursday, October 26 to respond to the e-mail to claim the prize.
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