Election 2012
No, You Didn't Build That ALONE
“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help,” Obama said. “There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else (helped make) made that happen.”
New Government Agency Forces
Bank to Make Refund
As a result of enforcement action by the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Capital One Bank must refund $140 million to two million customers who were pressured or misled into paying for "add-on products" such as payment protection and credit monitoring when they activated their credit cards. CFPB was established as part of the Wall Street reforms President Obama signed into law two years ago.
ObamaCare Kicks in More
As of August 1, thanks to Obamacare, all health insurance providers are required to cover the entire cost of preventive care for women.

AIDS HealthCare Foundation Pushes Obama
During a press conference during the International AIDS Conference representatives pushed their Change AIDS Obama
campaign that questions whether President Bush had a better record fighting AIDS than President Obama. However, the representative was very slow to explain how he can compare Bush’s spending on AIDS as he pushed the country into debt and Obama’s slowing of spending on most items while dealing with the debt and, he added that he didn’t think Mitt Romney had an AIDS record or proposal.
Same-Sex Issues Up Front Again
The Democrats will place a marriage equality plank in their official party platform. Polls show two of every three Democrats support marriage equality. The Rev. Williams Owens, president and founder of the Coalition of African-Americans Pastors, says he has started a campaign that could derail the re-election of the nation’s first Black president because of Obama’s support for same-sex marriage.
In an unusual move, the Chick-fil-a president and COO Dan Cathy said “We are very much supportive of the family -- the biblical definition of the family unit." The row over same-sex marriage saw thousands of people flocking to the fast food restaurant chain last Wednesday, while same-sex couples turned up at the fast-food chain last Friday for public displays of affection.
When Florida's Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll attempted to deflect questions about an alleged same-sex encounter with a female subordinate by telling a local news outlet that Black lesbian and bisexual women "don't look like her," the National Black Justice Coalition launched a campaign with the Twitter hashtag #whatablacklesbianlookslike and Black lesbian, bisexual and same-gender loving women across the country began tweeting their photos. Carroll finally apologized, calling her comments "wrong and inexcusable."
Port Of Harlem featured Carroll in the May - July 2006 issue of Port Of Harlem that focused on Personal Responsibility. She wrote on the issue from a Republican point of view while current DC mayor Vincent Gray wrote from a Democratic perspective. Kemba Smith was the cover woman.
Bush Tax Cuts Still an Issue
After the Democrat controlled Senate, with the blessing of President Obama, passed a bill to continue the Bush Tax cuts for the lower 98 percent of taxpayers, the Republican House took the opposite position and passed a bill to extend the tax cuts to the 98% plus the 2% of the wealthiest Americans. Adding the tax cuts to the 2% of the wealthiest will cost the nation $1 trillion. Under the Democratic bill no one’s tax bill will increase on their first $250,000 in earnings. The median American household income is $50,020 per year.