The Fight to be Heard from Susan B. Anthony to Hillary Clinton
Speakers include:
Representative Tammy Baldwin (WI)
Chris Jahnke, author of The Well-Spoken Woman
Ann Lewis, No Limits Foundation
Shira Toeplitz, Roll Call

Dr. Ida Jones, Port of Harlem contributor
Sewall-Belmont House & Museum
144 Constitution Avenue, NE
Thu, Nov 3, 6p-8p
$15 Registration
Cultural Salon with Tony Browder (Fundraiser)
Home of Cynthia and Fenton Sands
405 Aspen Street, NW
Washington, DC
November 5 2p-10p
(Tony speaks from 4:30p-5:30p)
cash bar, vegetarian and non-vegetarian food for sale
admission $10
Creative Content Artisans Style Group
Holiday Pop-up Shopping Experience
@ Blank Space Gallery
1922 MLK Jr. Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20020
Amazulu - lighting & jewelry
Stef-n-Ty - hats & coats
Khismet - wearable art
Zuresh - skin & haircare products
Nicole Summers - visual art
Shop open:
December 9th - 3-8pm
December 10th - 11th 11am - 7pm
December 14th -18th - 11am -7pm
Other hours by appt.
For more info contact:
Millee Spears 202-678-4499
Stephanie Dickey 773-230-0616
Charita Powell 215-253-9368