Join Smith Farms, which provides
support for cancer patients and their care givers (see “Creative
Healing” in the August -October 2007 print issue), in celebrating
the coming holidays with new ways of learning healthier alternatives in
the preparation of comfort foods. Participants will learn to cook
with organic and vegetarian ingredients provided by the P Street Whole
Foods Market.
next session is Thursday, November 29 from 1p to 2:30p. Smith Farm is
at 1632 U Street, NW; Washington, D.C. 20009. Smith Farms
is accessible via the Metro Red and Green lines. Free parking is
available. To register call 202-483-8600.

Also, see "Sausage, Apple, and Sourdough Stuffing" recipe in the the
Recipe department ... in the the current print issue of Port of Harlem. Save gas ...
have us send it to the mailbox of your choice.