It's tax season time and you are probably like many people - - trying t o figure out where all of your income has gone and whether your investments could have done better during the past year. Just as the tax season comes once a year, so does the time to exam your investment portfolio.
Investment portfolio examinations are a little bit like the checkup you have with your docto
r. Your doctor does an examination to make surethat your body is functioning properly. Once everything is checked out and okay, you don't to have to worry about your body every day. The same is true once you have your financial counselor examine your investment portfolio.
The parts of your body have different functions, which together creates a perfect balance. A portfolio's asset classes are like body parts. Classes such as: large-cap growth equities, international equities, small-cap equities, short-term bonds and long-term bonds can work together to create a balance.
These asset classes react differently in various economic conditions. With the appropriate allocations in each asset class, your portfolio should run smoother than if you invested in only one asset class.
As your life and goals change you'll need to evaluate your portfolio to ensure it is in an appropriate shape for your particular needs. Just like you body, you have to maintain your investment portfolio or it won't perform acceptably.
Kevin DuPree is President of the Loan Star Credit & Financial Counseling Services.
Tax Tip Photo: Kevin Dupree chats with Magic Johnson about the Urban League's Know Your Money Program. Read about the Know Your Money Program in the upcoming print issue.